
Calculating the altitude of paper rockets is an exciting and educational activity that helps middle school students apply principles of geometry and physics. Using a clinometer made from a protractor and PVC pipe, students can measure the angle of elevation of the rocket at its highest point and then use simple trigonometry to calculate the rocket's altitude. Here's a step-by-step guide to facilitate this learning experience:

Materials Needed:

Pre-Launch Preparations:


Step 1: Position the Observer

Step 2: Launch the Rocket

Step 3: Use the Clinometer

Step 4: Calculate the Altitude

Altitude=tan(angle of elevation)×distance from launch pad

Step 5: Analyze and Discuss

Safety Note:

Ensure that all students stand back during the launch and that the observer is positioned safely away from the rocket’s flight path.


This activity not only teaches students how to apply mathematical concepts to real-world scenarios but also encourages critical thinking and problem-solving skills. It's a fun and interactive way to engage with math and science outside of the traditional classroom setting.