
Exploring the Lunar Gateway

Grade Level: Middle School

Duration: Three 50-minute sessions

Objective: By the end of this lesson series, students will understand the purpose, design, and significance of the Lunar Gateway, relating it to our broader goals in space exploration.


Session 1 - Introduction to the Lunar Gateway:

Introduction (10 minutes):

Direct Instruction (15 minutes):

Activity (20 minutes):

Closure (5 minutes):

Session 2 - Dive Deeper: Understanding the Modules and Missions:

Introduction (5 minutes):

Activity (30 minutes):

Direct Instruction (10 minutes):

Closure (5 minutes):

Session 3 - Sharing Knowledge and Discussing Implications:

Introduction (5 minutes):

Activity (35 minutes):

Discussion (5 minutes):

Closure (5 minutes):


Notes for the Teacher:

Extension Activities (Optional):

Engaging students with current events in space exploration makes the topic relevant and can inspire future scientists, engineers, and informed citizens.