What Is It?

Flipgrid is a video discussion platform that allows students and teachers to share their thinking and ideas through video.

Best Practices

Check these websites for great ideas on using Screencastify in the classroom.

Explicit Teaching

When teachers adopt explicit teaching practices, they clearly show students what to do and how to do it. The teacher decides on learning intentions and success criteria, makes them transparent to students, and demonstrates them by modeling. The teacher checks for understanding, and at the end of each lesson revisits what was covered and ties it all together (Hattie, 2009). Flipgrid is a fantastic tech tool that supports explicit teaching by allowing teachers to create a modeling video that includes learning intentions. Additionally, Flipgrid takes this strategy a step further by allowing students to demonstrate their learning and explain their thinking based on the teacher modeling.

Applying Knowledge

Research found that helping students apply their knowledge deepens their understanding. It is now known that giving students guided practice helps them generalize their learning beyond the particular topic or task at hand. Flipgrid allows students to apply their knowledge by creating a video recording of their understanding. Flipgrid is a fantastic tool for student think alouds, where students are recording themselves thinking through the steps of a mathematical problem, or reading strategy. 


Feedback is a high-impact instructional strategy that informs students about their performance relative to the learning goals. Feedback redirects or refocuses teacher and student actions so the student can align effort and activity with a clear outcome that leads to achieving a learning goal. Teachers and peers can provide formal or informal feedback. Flipgrid is a fantastic tool that allows teachers to see where students are with their understanding of a concept, and it allows the teacher and classmates to give feedback on their learning to improve performance.

Getting Started

Check out all of the amazing additions to Flipgrid.

Discovery Tab: discover thousands of topics created by the Fipgrid community

Mixtapes: Mash together a collection of videos from any of your groups or topics. This is a great tool to use to display student work to an audience! 

Shorts: Use the Flipgrid video camera tool to record videos or capture your screen Basically, it's a screencasting tool embedded right in Flipgrid!

Gridpals: This is my favorite addition! Expand the wall of the classroom by connecting with classrooms from around the world. Allow your students to explain their thinking to a larger audience, and learn from others from diverse places and backgrounds!


How do you use Flipgrid? Please share your ideas on our district Flipgrid below!