Temple Manor Class

Throughout this module, our budding geographers have been on a journey of discovery, exploring various aspects of our remarkable planet.

One of the highlights of our geography curriculum this year has been the fascinating study of volcanoes. Our young learners delved into the mesmerising world of these powerful natural formations, discovering their different types and characteristics. From stratovolcanoes to shield volcanoes and cinder cones, our students now possess an impressive understanding of the diverse forms that volcanoes can take.

Moreover, our Year 3 students have also been engaged in learning about different natural disasters and the importance of preparation and planning. Through comprehensive lessons and thought-provoking discussions, our pupils have gained valuable insights into the potential risks posed by earthquakes, tsunamis, hurricanes, and more. By understanding the importance of preparedness, our students have become proactive in devising strategies to keep themselves and their loved ones safe during such events.

In addition to studying natural phenomena, our geographers have also delved into the intricacies of lines of latitude and longitude. By grasping the significance of these imaginary lines, our students have gained a deeper comprehension of how they help us navigate and locate places on Earth's surface. With their newfound knowledge, our Year 3 explorers are now proficient in identifying coordinates, plotting locations, and understanding the world's vast diversity.

Ask your child to name some of the following parts of a volcano!