
Geography in Little Bears can be found within our curriculum areas of 'Understanding the World' and 'Mathematics.' In Nursery we focus on exploring the world around us. We use our senses in hands-on exploration of natural materials, and through this we begin to understand the need to respect and care for the natural environment around us. Our recent Inquiry into 'Living things play an important role in our lives' was fantastic in encouraging and directing this understanding. Our children loved finding out how and why things grow and getting hands on in our garden to plant seeds of our own. We have been so excited to grow flowers, tomatoes, lettuces, potatoes and herbs in the Nursery garden - and have taken great joy in eating the fruits of our labour this module!

Geography can also be  seen in the use and understanding of positional language. We use positional language to help build on our children's understanding of position, direction and creating a route. This learning has been key in our adventures to Invicta Court Care home this module. The children have loved directing an adult to the care home and understanding the position of different buildings and key features of our local area. 

We are excited to continue to apply our geographical knowledge to our explorations of our school community during recent our transitions to big school, as well as continuing to understand the features of our local community.