Principal's Message

Dear Parents and Guardians,

I hope this newsletter finds you well, as we head towards the end of this academic year. 

I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to all the parents, carers and teachers who made sports day a resounding success. It was clear how hard the children have been practising as they really were quite expert on the day. As seems to be the way with our events so far, the weather was our friend ensuring we did not need to go to our reserve day. Further details are in this newsletter.

We held our first 'Transition Day'  this week and pupils whooped and cheered as they were collected by their 'new' teacher.  All pupils and teachers reported how much they had enjoyed the morning and were looking forward to the next one. Our approach for a smooth transition process ensures that our children feel supported and ready to embark on the next phase of their educational journey.

The week actually started with a sporting theme. I would like to take a moment to recognise the success and sportsmanship demonstrated by our Year 4 pupils at a recent 'Dragonball' tournament. This was our first interschools event and they exhibited exemplary behaviour, representing our school with honour and integrity. Their dedication, respect for opponents, and teamwork were truly commendable. We are immensely proud of their accomplishments and the values they exemplify. Find out more on Year 4's page.

Thank you as ever for your continued support and commitment to our academy community. 

Have a wonderful weekend.

Mrs Tipple