Year One

Milton Chantry & Maison Dieu Class

In Module 6, we have put all of our Geography skills together to create maps and plans and then used them to create a treasure hunt!

We started off by understanding what a 'bird's eye view' meant, by standing on the equipment and looking down at what we could see below us. 

We took photos of objects from above and drew them into our books.

We then moved on to creating a plan of our classroom and the outdoor area, using our new skills. We then went onto create a map of the trim trail and we drew a route on it to show what journey our friends would need to take to find the treasure. To make absolutely that our friend could find the treasure, we wrote some instructions for them. We did a great job and we all found the hidden sweets!

Local Area

Throughout the year in Geography , we have learnt about our immediate environment. We have studied the area around our school, neighbourhood, and the town of Maidstone, understanding the key features and landmarks that make their surroundings unique. We have thought about human and physical features in our locality and compared them with the areas around Milton Chantry and Maison Dieu.  We have also thought about what makes for a positive local community and what features would enhance our local area.

Weather and Seasons

Understanding the changing weather patterns and seasons was an integral part of Year 1 geography. Students explored the four seasons and the typical weather conditions associated with each one. They learned to identify different types of weather, such as rain, sunshine, clouds, and wind, and discussed how they impact our daily lives.

Over the year, the children have actively participated in group discussions, map reading exercises, and hands-on projects, fostering their critical thinking and collaboration skills. They also had the opportunity to utilize technology to explore the world on the ipads using Google maps and Dk Find Out.