Meet the Construction Team Meeting

On October 17th, Brunswick City Schools hosted a "Meet the Construction Team" meeting in the high school auditorium. ThenDesign Architecture (TDA) and Hammond Construction explained the design and construction process and answered questions.

On October 17th, design and construction professionals from ThenDesign Architecture and Hammond Construction met with community members and administrators from the school district to discuss the design process for the new approximately 305,000 sf Brunswick High School. 

In May of 2023, the Brunswick community passed a 3.3 mil bond issue to complete the Brunswick City Schools facilities master plan by building a new high school with a 1,000-seat auditorium, maintenance facility, board offices, and synthetic multi-purpose field, tennis courts, and full-sized baseball field.

With the design process having just begun, this initial kickoff meeting was designed to update the community on the project, what is included, and to begin gathering feedback on the facets of the new school.   

Community members attended a "Meet the Construction Team" session in the Brunswick High School Auditorium.

At the meeting, Scott Alleman, project manager for TDA, outlined the district's goals for the project. While it is important for the new school to be functional, flexible, and allow for the best educational practices, the district is highlighting community engagement and transparency as key elements throughout the process. To accomplish this, there will be opportunities to meet in public forums at design milestones. Contact forms are provided for residents to submit their input on the project and ask questions.

This will continue into the construction process.

Overall, the new high school will take around a year to design, with roughly two years for construction.    

The initial phases of design focus on gathering input from district staff to best understand how the new building can be used, challenges with the existing high school, and developing ways to rectify those in the new building. The new high school will likely be 2-3 stories and will be situated where Towslee Elementary currently stands.  

"We're excited for this opportunity for our community," commented Superintendent Niedermeyer. "We really want to build something that our community can be proud of."

Throughout the process, the district is looking for feedback. While it is very early in the design process, stakeholders are encouraged to reach out. Two input forms are available on the "Contact Us" page. 

Feedback provided will be incorporated into the overall project as it develops.  Pertinent questions will be added to the Frequently Answered Questions Page.

Review the presentation from the session below:

Brunswick CSD - Meet the Team Community Meeting.pdf