Student Passwords

Effective August 2021

Unique Passwords for Students

City Schools is committed to secure user account policies. Students are assigned unique passwords for their City Schools network user accounts. These passwords will not expire and should only be changed as needed by a school password resetter staff member.

Key Points

  • Students are assigned unique passwords that do not expire.

  • Student passwords are currently accessible in Infinite Campus>IC Extensions by staff with these job titles:

    • Principals, Assistant Principals, School Secretaries, Educational Associates

    • Teachers (must teach a classroom section), Library Media Specialists, Guidance Counselors

Student Password Resetters

  • Changing a password using the Student Password Reset Tool (SPRT) will populate the IC Extensions data

  • If a student is missing from the IC Extensions data or the password is missing or verified not to work (students mistype sometimes):

    • Perform a reset using the SPRT and the data should populate in IC Extensions after a refresh

  • If you receive the "exception has been thrown..." error, it is likely due to the student not belonging to the same school as you in the system.

    • Submit a "New Incident to ITD" HEAT ticket. Include the student ID and provide a password that fits the existing format. (You may request multiple IDs be reset at a time)


Login Change Guide_Students_English

For Students

Login Change Guide_Teachers

For Teachers

Login Change Guide_School Leaders

For School Leaders

Student Password Reset Tool

All school-based staff have the ability to access the Student Password Reset Tool in City Schools' Blackboard.

Quick Enroll into the Student Password Reset Course HERE. (Requires login)

**Now that students have unique passwords that do not expire, this tool should only be used in the event of a missing password (not listed in Infinite Campus) or a compromised password.**

This tool allows for the resetting of student passwords for students that attend your school. Recent transfers may not yet be assigned the same school as the teacher, and may require the City Schools Help Desk to reset. The Help Desk can be reached at 443.984.2000.

You must be connected to the City Schools network in order to access this tool.

Access the Student Password Reset Tool From Home

Student Password Reset on VPN.webm

*Student passwords do not expire

Staff using the student password reset tool no longer have the option to set a temporary password or one good for the year. All passwords are effective immediately and do not require a reset on initial login.