Fourth Grade Week 4


I can improve my typing fluency.

I can sit with correct posture and use correct fingers to type.

Find your teachers initials and then your last name.  You will need to put your password in.  Make sure you complete your lessons in order.


Alternate Typing Program

Typing Club

When you have completed Keyboarding Online you will be placed in this program by your teacher.


I can open, edit, and submit a Google Doc in Schoology.

I can follow a series of instructions.

I can select text in a word processing program and center it, make it bold, change the font size and change the font color.

These videos will show you the basic word processing skills that you will need in order to complete your Schoology text formatting project.  If you are able to follow all of the directions the proper way, then your typing will create a picture.  If you come to a part of the directions that you don't know how to do, then refer to the video that you need.

How to Center Text

How to change your font to bold and to increase its size

How to change the font color

The Undo Button is your friend

Login to Schoology and open the week 4 folder.

Fast Finishers

Coding Activities on Tynker

Room Recess Computer Lab Games. Typing Games