Second Grade Week 24


I can type the lower row keys on the keyboard with both hands anchored onto homerow with the correct finger placement.

The Home Row

Today we will begin our lessons using both hands at all times.  We will be working on the keys that we started the year with, home row.


I can search for pictures and add them to a document.

I can find icons to help me complete my work.

I can search for a picture in a word processing program.

I can add a picture to a document.


You will need to click on your Week 24 Folder and then Open the Word: Kites Insert Picture assignment.  Make sure to click on My Document and wait for it to load.  You may have to scroll for a blue sign in button or click on the Blue sentence above the edit button that says Can't see your document and reconnect your One Drive to Schoology.  Remember you will need your school email address and password to do this.

Today's Lesson

Here is a video of your teacher teaching today's lesson.

Teacher's Copy of the Document

To get your document you must go into your Computer Lab Course in Schoology and open the Week 24 folder.  

Fast Finishers