First Grade

Week 23


I can find all the letters on a Qwerty keyboard.

I can use the correct hand for the correct side of the keyboard. My left hand types the left side and my right hand types the right side.

We will do this desktop app, starting from where we left off.

Typing Jungle Jr.

Today you will be completing lessons 41-60.  You will be following along with your hands on the keyboard the correct way and trying to use the correct hand to type the keys.  The program will even tell you which finger you should be using to complete the lesson.


I can recognize problems or "bugs" in a program and develop a plan to resolve the issues.

I can sequence commands in a logical order.

Today we will be working in partners to write algorithms to move our Bee-Bots to different places on the mat.  One person will be our algorithm writer and the other will be our programmer.  Both students will debug if necesscarry.  Students will switch roles back and forth.

If you would like to play Bee-Bot Emulator than click on the hyperlink above.

Fast Finishers

Room Recess