First Grade

Week 25


I can find all the letters on a QWERTY keyboard.

I can use the correct hand to key the letters on the keyboard.

Typetastic: Hop on the Home Row

Today we will be completing the learn how to play and Balloon Pop.  We will have our right hand anchored down to homerow and will try to key the letters correctly with proper hand placement and posture.  We will discuss how the hand should be held in order to reach all of the keys and how when typing is properly learned they should not have to look at their hands as they type.  


I can sequence commands to solve a problem.

I can understand the concept of efficiency and that efficient programs use the fewest commands.

How did people send information and talk before technology and the internet? 

How has the internet made sharing information easier? 

How else has the internet changed our lives? 

“The straight line is the shorter route and would take up less gas. This problem is an example of why we want to be efficient. There can be more than one way to solve a problem, but when we want an efficient solution, we want it be fast or use the least amount of steps.”

“In computer science, we also want to be efficient when we write code. The most efficient code is always desirable because computers don't have unlimited processing power, just like we don’t have unlimited amounts of gas when we drive. The “best solution” generally involves the fewest commands, but sometimes it’s quite challenging to write a short program. We have to be creative and innovative to solve the problem!”

05.2 Explore Slides

Fast Finishers