First Grade

Week 13


I can locate the letters on a QWERTY keyboard

Ducky Trouble

Today you will be playing Ducky Trouble.  Please start on whatever level you left off on and play until your teacher tells you to stop.  If you finish all levels then please restart from the beginning.


I can follow an algorithm and input it into a robotic device to run as a program.

I know what an algorithm and program are.

I can create an algorithm to solve a problem.

Copy of Bee-Bot 3-Button and 4-Button Sequence

Lets Explore Our Beebots

Using the buttons on your Beebots, code your robot to follow these commands.

Beebot Online

Today we will be learning about how to code our beebots.  We will get some time to use our real beebot robots and also so some beebots online.  

Fast Finishers

Room Recess