
That's too Warm

They can only survive in warm climates.

The Most Common Species

The most common butterfly is the Painted Lady, scientific name Vanessa cardui.


The size of a butterfly can range from a 1 inch to 6 inches. 


Butterflies have no known medicinal purposes, although they have led to multiple breakthroughs in medical and structural sciences. 


Every year the Monach Butterflies migrate from the northern US to mexico central mexico. 

When to See and How Far?

The Butterflies begin their journey south about late September to early October, this lasts until about late February when they begin to make their way back north.

Their journey can be anywhere from 100 miles to 2500 miles every year. 

Life Cycle: https://learning-center.homesciencetools.com/article/butterfly-life-cycle/

Where Are They Now?

Depending on the time of year they are either heading north or south. 

The best way to find out their current location would be to go to a national wildlife website