Family Handbook

Ocean Crest Elementary

 Family Handbook 

2024-2025 School Year

 This handbook is intended to be a guide to the policies, procedures, rights and rules that govern the conduct of students and staff at Ocean Crest and in the Bandon School District.

This handbook is not a complete record of all board policies that govern the operations of the Bandon School District.  Therefore, the actions of the school staff are not limited to those which are covered in this handbook.  Board policies have been edited to provide a meaningful Student/Parent handbook.  The complete Bandon School District Policy Book is a matter of public record and is available at the district office, in each school library and in each school office.

Mission Statement

In partnership with parents and community, Ocean Crest is dedicated to developing knowledge, skills, and character in a safe, nurturing environment. Maintaining high expectations, we are committed to ensuring these outcomes.

Our code of conduct is based on three key rules:

Be safe. Be respectful. Be responsible.