Tracking Students or Groups

Students are tracked through the 'Digest'

Unlike edumate, compass has a self serve approach to student tracking.

All staff need to associate themselves with the appropriate groups. We cannot do this centrally, even for team leaders.

Teachers: may wish to track students in their classes or individuals

Team Leaders and Principals : Will need to track year or form groups

Welfare, Literacy support and similar: Will want to track selected individuals.

Student Leadership and other groups: Will want to track the members of those groups.

'Add Group Subscription' allows you to track any year level, form group or house but NOT a class

Group subscriptions update with student enrolments automatically - if a new student joins the group you will be tracking them.

'Add User Subscription' allows you to track individual students, you can select a any class group of individuals and add them all at once.

User subscriptions are not automatic, if a new student joins your class you will have to go back in and add that individual.

Type 'Digest' into compass search for a detailed article