Book rooms and resources

Room changes for an existing class

For an extended guide, type 'Room Changes' into the Compass search bar.

Room bookings when you don't have a class

To book a room when you do not have a class simply create an appointment from your Compass profile page (click your name).

Creating an appointment will book a room within compass over any time period specified.

If you add students to the appointment it will make them absent from class and show on compass for the students and their regular teachers.

It will NOT make you unavailable for extras or cause any existing classes you had at that time to be covered.

Creating an appointment will not notify Daily Org - you must let them know via the 'Absence book' if there is any chance you will receive an extra at that time or if you have regular classes requiring cover!!!!!!!!!!!

For an extended guide, click here Room bookings for activities

Resource bookings - not currently in use

We are yet to configure any resources for booking via compass, but it is relatively easy to do if anyone want's to make a resource bookable let IT know.

In general, most people have preferred to maintain individual booking processes for various bits of equipment.

For more information type 'Resource Booking' into the compass search bar.