Exam Clock


The exam clock shows the current time and counts down to the end of the current double period


Supervision Roster

Staff Procedures

Student Rules

Template Exam Covers

You will need to make a copy of these to edit them.

You will need to alter the text and conditions to match your subject requirements.

These files also include some sample questions so you can copy the formatting if you like.

Remember to change the page headers on pages 2 and 3

Sample Full exam which you can adapt.

This is just my year 10 practice exam in Google Docs, which I make them in, but you can also download to Word and that will work well.

I have included because there are a wide range of question formats which you may find useful to copy and adapt.

The questions themselves are copied from relevant sections of past year 12 exams and re-worded to provide more scaffolding for the 10's.