What is CBE?

With what do we replace the traditional factory model structure of school?

The factory model of schooling in our country is proficient at one thing-- sorting students. Time-based, age-based, and course-based structures are just not compatible with the how students learn and inhibit educators attempts at creating new methods of personalization. It's not enough to criticize and work around traditional structures; We must replace them. The competency-based education movement seeks to replace the traditional factory model with a structure that is more equitable for all students. That is to say, at the heart of the CBE movement is equity.

Learning What Matters is our solution to this problem. The LWM competency-based framework was created through a partnership between Building 21 and the School District of Philadelphia. It is a structure that replaces time-based, age-based, and course-based structures with one that focuses on growth and readiness.

learning activity

16 Quality Design Principles

Sturgis, Chris, and Katherine Casey. “Quality Principles for Competency-Based Education.” INACOL, Oct. 2018, www.inacol.org/resource/quality-principles-for-competency-based-education/.

Working Definition of CBE

  • Competencies include explicit, measurable, transferable learning objectives that empower students.
  • Students advance upon demonstrated mastery.
  • Assessment is meaningful and a positive learning experience for students.
  • Students receive timely, differentiated support based on their individual learning needs
  • Learning outcomes emphasize competencies that include application and creation of knowledge, along with the development of important skills and dispositions.

Sturgis, Chris, and Katherine Casey. “Quality Principles for Competency-Based Education.” INACOL, Oct. 2018, www.inacol.org/resource/quality-principles-for-competency-based-education/.

WEbinar series


What are competencies and how are they assessed?

Session 1: What are competencies and how are they assessed?


What are the different ways to transition to competencies?

Session 2: What are the different ways to transition to competencies?


How is student progress tracked and reported in a competency model?

Session 3: How is student progress tracked and reported in a competency model?

learning what matters

The LWM competency-based framework serves as our profile of a graduate and our actual graduation requirements. All competency sets and progression-based rubrics are free and shared under a Creative Commons License.

For more information, visit Building 21's Open Resources site.

supporting resources