Building 21 partners with school districts to design, launch and operate innovative schools. Our schools are afforded significant flexibility and autonomy by our district partners to pursue our vision for student and adult learning. Our schools are measured against the same accountability systems as other public schools, and our teachers are all members of the local teachers’ union.

Affiliate Program

We also work with schools and districts that are making the transition to competency-based education. Through this affiliate model, we provide our competency-based LMS and data dashboards, technical consulting, leadership coaching, and teacher professional development.

Our Theory of Action

Theory of Action
Our Career Exposure Vision

Studio Model

Studio Design Graphic Organizer Template v1 (Make a Copy)

We call our instructional model "the studio model" which is our flavor of PBL. Studios are 10 week learning experiences beginning with a problem frame and ending with an authentic implementation of a solution. Studios are not part of a larger course. In fact, we are using this approach to deconstruct course-based thinking so student have more choice in how they demonstrate mastery of competencies.

Competency-based Model

We use the Learning What Matters competency framework as our school structure that defines progress and growth for our students. These competency sets also define our graduation requirements.


Building 21 website

Instructional Model FAQ