Looking for a job?

Judy Coleman-Levy

(661) 946-3800 | JColeman@avhsd.org

Work Permit Issuer | Work Experience Coordinator | WEE/Work-Based Learning Business Community Liasion

Download the Intent to Employ a Minor and Request for a Work Permit-Certificate of Age (Form B1-1)

April 27th, 2020 Update

Work Experience and Work Permits

Mrs. Coleman-Levy, Work Experience Coordinator for EHS, DWHS and AVHS


Students currently working or considering getting a job during the State of California current “Stay at Home” orders need to know:

1. Participation matters: Students need to be participating with all their classes.

2. All students under the age of 18 need a work permit to work. This is true during distance learning, summer, spring, and winter breaks.

3. Quarter 3 grades and attendance are used to determine eligibility until June 6, 2020. No F grades and no more than seven absences in any two classes. This rule can be flexible if Quarter 4 grades and attendance show improvement and will be taken into consideration.

Procedure for Students who need a work permit:

1. The work you choose needs to be for an "essential business"

2. Student is in good standing academically and making an effort in distance learning

3. Fill out the B1-1 (Request for a Work Permit form) your Social Security number, parent and employer signatures are needed to process the permit.

4. You must be an EHS, DWHS, or AVHS student.

5. After the B1-1 is completed the student will then email Mrs. Coleman-Levy at jcoleman@avhsd.org using their school email address to set up an appointment to process the permit.

Job search tips for high school students (Source: ecampustours.com)

  1. Clean up your social media pages. If you are active on social media, make sure that your pages represent someone who is responsible and mature. Hiring managers can and do screen potential employees by observing their online presence. Delete any questionable pictures or text from your social media pages before you begin your job search.
  2. Create a high school resume. A resume isn't just for adults; high school students need a resume too. Providing hiring managers with your resume not only shows that you are serious about obtaining a job, but it also highlights your abilities, education, and experiences. Include your resume when submitting your application for employment. Naviance has a resume builder that students can use for free to create their own resumes! Let a counselor or a teacher know if you need someone to proofread or help you with it.
  3. Secure letters of recommendation or a list of references. Before you begin your job search, be sure to secure references. Ask your teachers, counselors, coaches, etc. if they will be your references or if they would be willing to write letters of recommendation for you. If they agree to be references, let them know that you will be starting the process of searching for a part-time job and that they may be receiving phone calls from hiring managers soon. If they agree to write letters of recommendation for you, provide them with materials they may need, such as a list of your accomplishments and experiences, your transcript, etc. You can utilize the AVHS Brag Sheet and share it with your reference via Google. (Be sure to make a copy of it first!)
  4. Utilize a variety of search methods. When searching for a job, don't put all of your eggs in one basket. Be sure to use an assortment of resources including:
  • Online search engines – Job search engines, such as indeed.com or monster.com, are the most convenient ways to search for jobs.
  • Social media sites – Three of the most common social media sites to utilize when networking for a job are LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook.
  • Personal contacts – Networking is very important during the job search. Let your family, friends, teachers, counselors, mentors, etc. know that you are looking for a part-time job.
  • Cold contacts – Cold calling companies is a great way to find a part-time job that hasn't been vastly advertised. Telephone, write, or visit employers in your area and inquire about part-time job opportunities.
  • Print materials – Part-time jobs can be found through print materials, such as flyers and newspaper classified ads.
  • Work Experience Coordinator: Reach out to Ms. Judy Coleman-Levy when she is here on campus or via email jcoleman@avhsd.org to see whether she knows of any jobs that are hiring.

5. Apply for many jobs. Don't just apply for a couple of part-time jobs and cross your fingers that you get one. Apply for as many jobs as possible to increase the likelihood of an offer.

6. Use a professional email address. When filling out job applications, be sure to use a professional email address. Using a cutesy or risqué email address will make you appear immature and prove that your attention to detail is lacking. Save the cutesy email address for personal use among your family and friends, and keep your professional email address simple and straightforward by using a variation of your first, middle, and last name.

7. Keep an open mind. Don't limit yourself to a certain type of job. You may be set on finding a retail job but if you only apply to those types of jobs, you could be missing out on a great opportunity that you didn't even realize existed.

8. Expect an instant interview. If you are filling out or dropping off a job application in person, always be prepared for an instant interview in case the hiring manager can meet with you right away. Dress appropriately and make sure you have practiced answering sample interview questions beforehand. Be sure to bring materials that the hiring manager may need, such as your driver's license, Social Security card, resume, letter of recommendation, or a list of references.

9. Follow up. You should always follow up when searching for a job. If you meet with a hiring manager in person, be sure to send a thank you note to express your appreciation for the interview. If you submit an online application, you may call after 7-10 days to check on the status of your application.