Brag Sheet


**Please make a copy of the brag sheet when you first open it**

A brag sheet is used to write information about yourself that you will then give to someone you would like to request a letter of recommendation from like a teacher, a counselor, coach, club advisor, or employer.

  • Be as specific as possible.
  • Remember to go back to your brag sheet regularly and update it as often as necessary and print copies when needed.
  • Make sure you give your recommenders plenty of time to complete their letters. We recommend giving them at least 2 weeks in advance.
  • Ask the person recommending you to save their letter for you so that you may ask them for an updated reference letter in the future.
  • Share your Brag Sheet with your counselor using their email address

Student accounts

Have trouble keeping track of your student accounts and passwords? Click here for a Google sheet template where you can store your username and passwords for various college websites and accounts. Open the file and click "Make a copy" to begin using the document. DO NOT share this sheet with anyone.

Tip: Consider only writing part of the password as a helpful reminder instead of writing down the entire password for each of your accounts.