Ruby Bridges

Biography by: Yahsaiah Curry

Early years

Ruby bridges was born on September 8th, 1954, in Tylertown, Mississippi. Ruby Bridges was six when she became the first African American child to integrate a white southern elementary school, having to be escorted to class by her mother and US marshals due to violent mobs.

Why Ruby Was Famous

Ruby was one of the only six kids in New Orleans who passed the test. That fall when school started Ruby was the first black child in the south to attend an all white school. She was escorted to the doors by Federal marshals.

Grown Up Years

After graduating from high school, Ruby worked as a travel agent for fifteen years. She married Malcolm Hall and had four sons. In 2014, a statue of Ruby was unveiled outside the William Frantz school. Ruby was later reunited as an adult with her former teacher Ms. Henry.


Ruby has taught black people to never listen to what disrespectful people say. Ruby is an inspiring, courageous person who stood up for black children everywhere. Thank you Ruby!


When was Ruby Bridges born?

Who did she marry?

How many kids did she have?

How many black kids in New Orleans went to all white schools?

Where was she born?


“Ruby Bridges.” Television film/Docudrama. 1998. Video. 31 March 2017.