Maya Angelou

Maya Angelou:

Biography by Noni Johnson


“You may write me down in history with your bitter twisted lies, you may tread me down in very dirt, but still like dust, I’ll rise.” -Maya Angelou

That is part of one of Maya’s famous poems “Still I Rise”. She is telling that no matter what you should continue to stand up with head up high.


Maya accomplished writing 100 books, quotes, book quotes, etc. Maya stood for black rights. Maya influenced others to stand up for themselves no matter what. She was also a good singer and calypso dancer. She helped with civil rights and was also a screenwriter. She accomplished a lot!

Young Life

Maya was born on April 4, 1928 in St. Louis, Missouri. She already had a sibling named Bailey Jr. who was 1 year old. Maya and Bailey’s parents sent them to live with their grandma in Stamps, Arkansas. They were alone in the train. When Maya was older, she loved literacy.

Famous & Remembered

Maya Angelou was famous and is remembered for all of her books, quotes, poems, dancing and singing, and her contributions to the Civil Rights Movement.


In conclusion, I think that Maya Angelou was a very great leader and activist in the Civil Rights Movement. I also think that she was a very influential writer and poet. I had a lot of fun doing this project, and hope I can do another project on Maya Angelou in the future.


1. “Maya Angelou - Author, Activist, Civil Rights Activist, Poet.” Web. 31 March 2017. <>

2.Labrecque, Ellen. Who was Maya Angelou? New York, New York : Penguin Random House, 2016. Print.

3.Wikipedia. “Maya Angelou.” Wikipedia. Web.