Jackie Robinson

Jackie Robinson

Biography by: Owen Alberts

April 27, 2017


Jackie Robinson was an African american child born in Cairo, Georgia. on 1919 his mother was named Mallie and his father was named Jerry. he had 4 older siblings and he was youngest of all, he was probably REALLY annoyed.

when he was 1 he moved to California, the same time his father left.

his brothers were named Mathew (aka Mack), Frank and Edgar, his sister was named Willa. frank and Mack encouraged Jackie's sport interest. but in 1938, he was arrested for arguing with a police over the arrest of a black friend.

then,in 1939, he went to UCLA, where he played basketball, baseball, football and lacrosse.

in 1940, he won the long jump at the NSA championships. that goes to show he was good at sports.


in 1942, he joined the us army. though he never saw battle, he did do something great; when he was sitting at the front of the bus, (black people weren't allowed to do that in the 40’s) a white man asked if he could sit were Jackie was sitting, Jackie refused and got fired and arrested AGAIN.

In 1946, he got married to someone named Rachel. in 1946 (still) their son Jackie Robinson Jr. was born.


Then, in 1947 this white man named Rickey (aka,the manager of the Brooklyn dodgers) asked Jackie Robinson "do you want to play baseball? Jackie really didn’t know, but then Rickey said "I would pay you $400" (which would be $4,500 right now.) Which made Jackie Robinson join the Brooklyn dodgers.

He then went into spring training when he used to play in the negro league, but now he was in the big league. when people first saw him, they wanted to quit, in fact later people signed a petition to not play baseball unless Jackie was NOT on the field.

Later Jackie's brother Mack was against Jesse Owens in the 1936 Olympics and got a silver medal, so the family was FAMOUS.

His first game was dodgers vs braves and they won. according to baseball reference, he had 1518 hits, 197 stolen bases and 137 home runs.

In 1950, his daughter Sharon was born. he was so boss, that in 1955 he won the CHAMPIONSHIPS! Sadly, in 1957 he had diabetes and retired from baseball.

In 1971, Jackie Robinson Jr. got in a car wreck and died. He was also good at baseball).

Then, in October 24, 1972 Jackie Robinson died of a heart attack.