Year Overview

Term 1


  • Cricket (first half of term) - Y4+

      • played on Friday evenings, 4pm-7pm

      • games played around South Taranaki area

  • Basketball in Opunake (mid term) - Y7/8, Y5/6

  • Inter-school Athletics (mid term) - whole school - one day event at Kaponga Domain

  • School swimming lessons (beginning of term) - whole school in school pool, one session per day based around water survival

  • School swimming sports (middle of term) - whole school at Stratford pool

  • Inter-school Swimming Sports (just after school sports in Opunake) - place-getters from school swimming sports


  • Little Piri Visits - (to be announced) - 4 yr old school visits, check website for dates

  • Kapa Haka (all term, one day a week) - Y3-8

  • Keys Program (all term) - Y7/8 - see notes below

  • Grip Leadership Y8

  • DPE (second half of term) - Y7-8

    • senior students for tech, one day a week including cooking, workshop, audio/visual, and m-tech

  • Parent Interviews (middle of term) - all school

  • PAT testing (middle/end of term) - Y4-8 students tested in math, comprehension, vocabulary, listening, and punctuation and grammar.

  • Year 6 Camp (beginning of term)

Term 2


  • Netball in Opunake (all term) - all years, played one day a week in Opunake

  • Basketball in Opunake (all term) - played one day a week in Opunake

        • Y5-8 continued from term 1

        • Y3-4 competition starts - all term

  • Crowley Cup - (tournament at end of term) -

      • Y 5/6 rugby, netball, hockey

      • Tournament held in Stratford

  • Rippa Rugby (middle/end of term) - played one day a week

      • Y 5/6 in Opunake

      • 7/8 in New Plymouth


  • Little Piri Visits - (to be announced) - 4 yr old school visits, check website for dates

  • Kapa Haka (all term, one day a week) - Y3-8

  • Keys Program (all term) - Y7/8 - see notes below

  • DPE (second half of term) - Y7-8

    • senior students for tech, one day a week including cooking, workshop, audio/visual, and m-tech

  • School Reports to Parents (end of term) - all school

Term 3


  • Taranaki Trophy (end of term) - Y7/8

        • teams selected early in term

  • School Cross Country (end of term) - whole school, on school grounds

  • Mt Spa cross country (just after school cross country) -

      • top 5-6 in each age group from 9yrs+, sometimes taking younger students dependent on capability

      • ran in Manaia at the domain

  • Touch in Opunake (starts end of term) - All students

  • Snag Golf - All students


  • EPRO 8 - Year 5,6,7,8. Tech competition - competitive engineering

  • Little Piri Visits - (to be announced) - 4 yr old school visits, check website for dates

  • Kapa Haka (all term, one day a week) - Y3-8

  • Keys Program (all term) - Y7/8 - see notes below

  • DPE (second half of term) - Y7-8

    • senior students for tech, one day a week including cooking, workshop, audio/visual, and m-tech

  • Parent Interviews (beginning of term) - all school

  • PAT testing (end of term) - Y4-8 students tested in math, comprehension, vocabulary, listening, and punctuation and grammar.

  • Methanex Maths (whole term) - one year 7 and one year 8 team is selected to represent school in quiz comp in NP. Also if competition is on, students work on a math project during the term to enter in NP comp.

  • School Speeches (end of term) - whole school

  • ICAS testing (all term) - any students who wish to participate in Australasia testing, paid for by caregivers, in English, Math, Science tests. Contact the school if you are interested.

Term 4


  • Touch in Opunake (all term) - All students

  • Cricket (all term) - Y4+

      • played on Friday evenings, 4pm-7pm

      • games played around South Taranaki area

  • Soccer Tournament in Kaponga (beginning of term) - Y3-8


  • Little Piri Visits - (to be announced) - 4 yr old school visits, check website for dates

  • Kapa Haka (all term, one day a week) - Y3-8

  • Keys Program (all term) - Y7/8 - see notes below

  • Lamb day (beginning of term) - all school

  • Kaponga Lions Speeches (beginning of term)

      • top four Y7/8 students chosen from those who performed school speeches

  • Concert (end of term) - whole school

  • Prize giving (end of term) - whole school

  • School Reports to Parents (end of term) - all school

  • Year 7 Camp

  • Y8 camp (end of term)

  • Y5 day trip


  • Mt Spa = our local school cluster involving schools such as Opunake, Matapu, Kaponga, St Josephs Opunake, Rahotu, Manaia

  • Keys Program - this is a y7/8 program outlined here, based around senior students earning credits to get a variety of keys, including sports, culture, academic, and service. If a student obtains all four, they will receive a graduation certificate as a year 8 with honours. If they have obtained all four, they can also complete a digi-key as a year 8.

  • During the cricket season we also have coaching from Hawera Cricket Club, where a player is sent to coach the cricket teams one day a week.

  • Junior Trip (Y1-4) happens during the year, which term is dependent on activity.