Auroa Attendance Procedure

Firstly, please remember to contact the school through the HERO app if your child is absent.

Our Coastal region has an attendance service to help monitor attendance at our schools in the area.  We are aware that COVID has put pressure on attendance at schools, but now that we are getting back to normality we need to look at attendance at school more closely.

The Ministry have employed Stephanie McKellar as a Government employed Attendance Coordinator for our area, supported by Toscha Karanga. 

The Ministry/Government has set clear guidelines for attendance. 

These are:

Regularly (more than 90% of the time, or 9 days a fortnight)

Moderately absent (70% - 90%, or absent 2/3 days a fortnight)

Chronically absent (less than 70% of the time, or missing three or more days a fortnight)

(READING RECOVERY - if your child chronically absent, they will not be eligible for Reading Recovery)

It is important to note that if your child is chronically absent each term over the year, it will mean they would have missed a whole term of school over the entire year.

You can check your current attendance, by year and by term, using the HERO app.

Auroa procedure for attendance - as of T4 2022

School Attendance Codes

You will see a breakdown of your child's attendance in the reporting section of the HERO app.  Below is an explanation of the codes, and how the main types of absent are recorded.

Justified absences:  (j)






Reminder that students need to stay home for 48 hours after last episode of vomiting as per Ministry of Health guidelines.

EXplained, but un-Justified absences:  (E)



Truant:  (t)
