Auroa SChool Cross Country

DATE: THURSDAY 8th September


Races start at 12pm

MT Spa Cross Country is on Thursday 15th September

Taranaki Interschool Cross Country is on Wednesday 28th September

Students to run in age group as at age on 25th September.

Bring cash for sausage sizzle. Student to run in mufti or Whanau colours, come to school in uniform.

Races will be run as per the race order on the right, with the girls racing first, followed by the boys.

Approximate time between races is 7 minutes.

Distances for ages groups are:

Children that are 5 and 6 (1 km) -

Starting at Point 4

Children that are 7 Years Old (1.5 kms) -

1 Lap

Children that are 8, 9, 10 Years Old (2 km) -

1 Lap + 1 Lap of Field

Children that are 11+ Years Old (3 km) -

2 Laps

Race Order:

5 year old girls/boys

6 year old girls/boys

7 year old girls/boys

8 year old girls/boys

9 year old girls/boys

10 year old girls/boys

11 year old girls/boys

12+ year old girls/boys