It's summer! Let's talk about things in the air:

  • planes

  • sun

  • moon

  • birds

  • rockets

Joke of the Week

How do you stop an astronauts baby from crying?

you rocket

Why does a seagull fly over the sea?

because if it flew over the bay it would be a "baygull" (bagel)

Let's read!

See Story Time core board on Family Resources page

The Boy and the Airplane

This is a wordless book! Pause the book on each page and make up your own story about what is happening with the boy and his airplane.

Space X Launch

Read and listen to the story about SpaceX Dragon.

You can click on the speaker to hear the story.

Try to answer the questions at the end by looking back to the story and pictures.

Lets make something

See Crafts core board on Family Resources page

Cheese Sun

You will need:

  • cheese shapes

  • grapes

  • apple


  1. create sun made out of cheese shapes

  2. use grapes for eyes

  3. use apples for the mouth

Cosmic Sun Catcher

You will need:

  • plastic lid white glue

  • food

  • coloring toothpick


  1. Find a plastic lid from a container such as Cool Whip.

  2. pour white glue into the lid so that it fills it up.

  3. Drop food coloring into the glue.

  4. Swirl the colors with a toothpick to make a design. (Don’t use too much color or your suncatcher will turn black.)

  5. Let the glue in the lid dry until it starts to pull away from the plastic.

  6. Peel it out, punch a hole, and hang in the window.

Paper plate sun

You will need:

  • paper plate

  • red and yellow paint

  • paper

  • writing utensil


  1. Paint plate

  2. cut triangles for rays

  3. glue rays on back of plate

  4. draw face

  5. Create a sun using red & yellow paint and a paper plate.

Paper Rocket Ship

Make a paper rocket

Yoga & Breathing

Learn about Colors and Rainbows