February 2023 Newsletter

Images above are from various Black History Month displays at ASD schools

Shout Outs! 

Cascade Inclusive PE  

The Cascade PE department relies on team teaching, unit choices and peer mentors to create engaging, and inclusive experiences for all students. 

Leta Johnson & John Furth Co-Taught Algebra 

At Mountain View High School John and Leta utilize a flipped model and teacher-made instructional videos to allow students to work at their own pace, stay engaged, and receive individualized support. 

Co-Writer at Terminal Park

Fifth Grade Teachers, Leslie LaFayette and Eric Howe, collaborated with Special Education teacher, Olivia Stucki and Instructional Technology coach, Mike Signal to teach all fifth graders at Terminal Park how to use Co-Writer. Now that all the students can apply Co-Writer successfully, it is a tool that students can choose to use when working on assignments in class.

So many great inclusionary trainings this winter series!

Images below are linked to the winter training series website