April 2023 Newsletter

Shout Outs!

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Gildo Rey Inclusive Science Fair 

Shawn Welsh from Gildo Rey Elementary School reached out to the Inclusionary Practices team because he wanted to know how to include all students in their upcoming science fair. Thanks to the support of Dani Glaholt, Mark Ziegler, Heidi Palmer, and Michael Fitzgerald the planning began and inclusive practices were implemented. With tools and strategies in place, all students participated in the science fair. As Shawn said, "Too often students have been told that being present is the same as participating; the reality is that it is not enough to just be present, the work that we do here at Gildo Rey requires effort and persistence. For many students this effort and persistence gave them a sense of pride, ownership and a real sense of accomplishment." 

Rainier Middle School Inclusive Scheduling Meetings

Rainier resource teachers worked with school administrators and leaders to plan next year's programs and intentionally schedule students with disabilities based on IEP needs while prioritizing inclusion.  Teachers dedicated immense time and energy to this process, which will positively impact students next year. 


Our young adults at ASD's Transition Assistance Program hosted a fantastic event. Delicious bakes goods and a variety of hot beverages were enjoyed and valuable professional and vocational skills were practiced! Check out their Facebook


Don't miss this great opportunity to learn about ways to help ALL students be successful. Featuring break out sessions presented by your ASD colleagues and engaging keynote speaker, Shelley Moore.