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ASD Inclusive News

September 23, 2019:

The proposals aim to close opportunity gaps by providing equity in wraparound supports and rewriting the 10-year-old funding model, among other items.

  • Continue enhancing funding for schools to serve students with disabilities through a model that will target funds to individual student needs and promote inclusion in the general education classroom.

  • Support schools in their efforts to accurately identify and provide support to young learners who display signs of having dyslexia.

“All means all. We want all students prepared for post-secondary aspirations, careers, and civic engagement; but we cannot get there without transforming the system and thinking hard about the kind of schools we want our young people to grow up in,” Reykdal continued. “To succeed, students need great teachers and curriculum, yes – but they also need access to social, emotional, and mental health supports, among many other things.”