Student Work

Future of Transportation Activity

Above is an activity students really enjoyed where they had to put on their thinking caps and come up with the transportation of the future. They had the option of either 1) creating a vision for a transportation system of the future or 2) designing a concept of a new vehicle of the future. To the right are 2 examples of student work. The Bubbleromer is an example from a student who chose Option 2 and below that is an example from a student who chose Option 1.

Egg in the Mail Project.doc
Engineering Design Process Worksheet.docx

Above is the first major group project that students had to complete for the semester. During this project students had to design a package to ship an egg through the U.S. Postal Service and it had to be returned unbroken. To the left if the project description and to the right is the worksheet that groups had to complete andd turn in at the end of the project. Below is a picture of some of the packages that students made (left) and to the right is a group's completed Engineering Design Process Worksheet.
