
Safety Quiz.pdf

To the left is the first assessment of the semester. Students are tasked with reading and understanding the safety rules of the classroom before they are given permission to use any tools. Our class often uses knives and hot glue guns, so safety in the classroom is emphasized often.

To the right is a formative assessment of understanding the types of engineering. This assignment was meant to spark interest in different types of engineering that students may not have known about before hand. Students really enjoyed this activity because they had the opportunity to select which engineering disciplines to further investigate.

Types of Engineering Exploration.docx
Tool and amterials quiz7 PDF.pdf

To the left is a summative assessment which was taken after our tools and materials mini-unit. During this mini-unit students completed activities very similar to those that are included in this assessment: unit vocabulary, tools identification, materials reading, engineering design process project, and a forces online lab.