Welcome to my

Teaching Practicum


In the Spring of 2020, I was a student teacher at Auburn Middle School. During this time, I worked towards receiving my Massachusetts Initial Teaching License in Technology/Engineering while completing my Interactive Qualifying Project. To receive the license, I demonstrated proficiency in six elements: well-structured lessons, adjustments to practice, meeting diverse needs, safe learning environment, high expectations, and reflective practice. I describe my growth in these elements, the classes I taught, and how WPI prepared me for this experience. I have also included sample lesson plans, assessments, and student feedback to further show my development as an educator.

Educational Philosophy

Through engaging and collaborative methods, teaching should help students explore new topics of interest and further develop their skills and content knowledge.

Student Success

By making meaningful connections with students, they become more comfortable in your classroom which leads to greater student success.

Professional Culture

Collaboration is key to success as a teacher. Not only do students need to collaborate to learn, but teachers need to collaborate to ensure students are getting a high-quality education.

Personal & Professional Growth

Before student teaching, I lacked confidence and struggled with public speaking. I have grown to be more confident in front of the classroom and my public speaking is much better.

Professional Goal

My professional goal for my practicum is "In order to improve my ability to monitor student understanding of a topic, I will develop, administer, and analyze results from a system of assessments for the topic that is comprised of two informal and three formal assessment, to be administered this semester."