
Frequently Asked Questions...

Below are some frequently asked questions about how to engage in Wellness Center services...

All services are offered in person or remotely via Google Meet, phone, email, or text.

Question: So, how do I make initial contact with the Wellness Center?

Answer: Students and/or families and guardians may contact the Wellness Center directly and request to be seen. Stop in the Center, give us a call or email, and we'll arrange a time to meet. Sometimes, together we decide that infrequent check-ins on an as-needed or drop-in basis is all that's needed. If we all agree that ongoing regular sessions would be helpful, we work with you to make a schedule. Teachers, counselors, friends, and family also make referrals letting us know someone they care about could use some support. If that happens, we will call the student to the Center for an initial chat.

Question: How do I know when my appointment is?

Answer: For students, we check with you and look at your schedule to determine which periods are the best to schedule appointments. Usually, these are electives. When possible, we vary the classes during which we schedule appointments so you're not always missing the same class/period. Usually, you will receive a summons from the office for your session. If you are expecting a summons and one does not arrive, please let us know. If at the time of your appointment there is something happening in your class that you can't miss, just let us know and we can reschedule. Sessions usually are 30 minutes in duration. If you need to talk longer we schedule our appointments adjacent to breaks or lunch. Family/guardian sessions usually take place after school. Student sessions may take place then as well, as long as this does not interfere with transportation, work, etc.

Question: What if I'm just having a really hard day or something distressing happens and I need someone to talk to right away?

Answer: We understand that things come up unexpectedly! You may drop by the Wellness Center without an appointment during breaks, lunch, and before or after school. If you are experiencing distress at a level where it is impossible to concentrate in class, please tell your teacher and request to come to the Wellness Center. Your teacher will give you permission to go to the office to check-in with your counselor (or the counselor of the day). Sometimes the situation is best addressed by the counseling team. If all determine that the concern warrants talking with the Wellness Center staff, the counselor will contact the Wellness Center to be sure a therapist is available. You then will be given permission to visit the Wellness Center. In either scenario, you do not need to have an established relationship with the Wellness Center prior to your visit.

Question: Can I just hang out in the Wellness Center?

Answer: You are totally welcome to hang out with us during breaks and lunch, and sometimes before or after school. Come on by to visit with us, meet up with friends, pet the dogs, do some art, or just take some space to be still. We have different clubs and groups who meet in the Wellness Center during lunch. Check them out! Please remember that being in the Wellness Center isn't a way to avoid going to your classes.

Question: I hear that the Wellness Center has special events like speakers, art contests, and career fairs. How do I participate?

Answer: Events and activities are announce during the Greyhound News and posters/signs are displayed around campus. We also post things on AHS Instagram pages. Usually, there is a sign-up sheet available in the Wellness Center and/or counseling offices. The news and posters will let you know how to be involved.