Be Internship Ready

The most successful experiences are well planned. There are a number of things you can do to become internship ready:


Which term do you plan to complete an internship? Make sure to prepare at least a semester in advance. 

What does the rest of your course schedule look like for that term? Internships can be demanding and this should be considered when building your course schedule for the term. 

What is your schedule of availability? You will need to have chunks of time available to work at your internship. Consider your class and work schedule, and how you will fit in your internship commitment. 

Do you have transportation? How far are you willing or able to commute to the internship?

Update Application Materials

Polished application materials are required. Ideally, your resume, cover letter, and LinkedIn should be reviewed by a professional before applying to internships. CGF Career Services has a number of resources to help students.

Schedule a resume review with a Career Development Specialist. Zoom or in person appointments available: 

ASU Career Services provides resume examples and resources on their website. They also offer appointments. Click on the "Schedule an Appointment" link on the ASU Career Services page.

Be prepared to interview

Some internships may have a more formal interview process than others. In any case, you should be prepared for a professional interview. ASU Career Services has numerous resources to help students prepare for interviews.

You should be ready to talk about why you are interested in the internship you applied for, what you hope to gain from it, what you know about the organization and their mission & goals, and what you have to offer that makes you a strong candidate. They may also ask you why you chose your major or what your career plans are. 

Pro tips:

·         Keep track of the internships you apply for, and save copies of the internship descriptions so you are not caught off guard when an employer contacts you. Posted opportunities expire and may not be available for reference if you didn’t save a copy.

·         ALWAYS follow up to thank the interviewer for their time and to reiterate your interest.

Be Internship Ready

Be Internship Ready is an excellent program developed by ASU Career Services. This self-paced mini-course prepares students to find internships, craft an application (includes sample resumes), tips on interviewing for internships, and being successful at the internship site.

Self Enroll in "Be Internship Ready" Canvas site