Forms & Procedures
Course/Registration Forms
Course Permission/Override Requests
Step 1: Complete appropriate form and obtain faculty approval. If you are unable to obtain a physical signature from faculty, an attached copy of their email approval can be accepted.
Step 2: Submit form to You will need to add the "Schedule Line Number (SLN)" of the course in the override form. This is the 5 digit course number which you can view in Class Search.
**Spring 2025 Priority Deadline: Nov 15, 2024 (Overrides submitted after this date will be reviewed weekly in the order received)
Important notes:
Overrides are intended for courses which require faculty and/or department consent (permission) or to override requisite requirements. Advising cannot override reserved seats.
See all SCAI Override policies.
Non-SCAI course override requests must be processed with the school who owns the course. Here are the common forms:
IFT/EEE/Other Fulton courses:
APM/STP/MAT courses:
BMI courses:
PAF courses: Email
In order to prevent delays in processing, we strongly recommend that your iPOS is up-to-date.
Physical forms should not be submitted to the advising office. All forms need to be submitted electronically through the override request link.
Do not worry if the faculty name does not appear in the list of instructors. They will be added when the override is processed.
Permission requests will only be accepted until the day before the add/drop deadline (see academic calendar).
For 580 requests, students can upload copy of the TA offer letter in lieu of permission form if faculty is not yet assigned.
580 requests will not be approved after 9 weeks into the semester.
All thesis students must have an approved iPOS before registration for the initial/first 3 credit hours of 599.
Computer Science M.S. students must have a faculty approved thesis proposal on file with the Advising Office before registration in the final 3 credit hours of CSE 599.
Elective Approval Request Form
Elective requests are subject to approval and are not guaranteed. When submitting the form, you will be asked to submit the following supporting documentation as one document to be reviewed by staff and faculty: Course syllabus, Unofficial transcript, Degree check sheet, Faculty supervisor approval (thesis/PhD students). Note: IFT courses are not approved for Computer Science, MS/MCS.
Elective Request Form (Must be logged into your MyASU)
Semester Overload Request Form
Engineering students are defaulted to a semester limit of 11 credits in fall/spring semesters and 6 credits in summer sessions. If you wish to increase your limit to 12 credits, please submit a request.
Important Notes:
- Students must have completed at least one fall/spring semester and be in good academic standing (deficiencies cleared + all 3 GPAs 3.0 or higher).
- Requests are subject to approval.
- Students with an RA/TA appointment do not need to submit an overload request. The term limit will be increased along with approval for 580 permission request.
584 / CPT Application Process
See SCAI Grad CPT Application Process site to view eligibility, application process, FAQs, and live Q&A Calendar.
Override Policies and Procedures
Faculty Committee
Step 1: Review supervisory committee requirements in the handbook for your program.
Step 2: Check your program’s faculty list.
Computer Engineering, Computer Science, Data Science, Industrial Engineering MS and PhD students should check faculty endorsements from the Graduate College website.
Robotics & Autonomous Systems MS students should refer to the RAS faculty list.
Software Engineering MS students should refer to the handbook.
If you are unsure if a faculty is endorsed for your program, you can view their endorsements once you enter them in your iPOS.
If you would like to add an individual to your committee who is outside of ASU or not endorsed to chair or co-chair for your degree plan, then an individual committee approval request will need to be submitted. For this, you will need to email the individual’s curriculum vitae (and their date of birth if they are outside of ASU) to SCAI Advising along with the Committee Appointment form in Step 3. Advising will then initiate the process to obtain approvals from the Program Chair and the Graduate College. Please note: The date of birth is required for individuals who are outside of ASU. The process cannot be completed without it.
Step 3: Submit the Supervisory Committee Appointment or Change Form (as well as the faculty CV as needed) via email to SCAI Advising. This form needs to be approved/signed by all committee members including your chair or co-chairs. Email confirmations can be attached to the form in lieu of signatures.
Step 4: Enter the faculty members on your iPOS, and submit.
Thesis Proposal (Computer Science)
Computer Science students must submit their faculty-approved thesis proposal to advising before registration for the final 3 hours of CSE 599.
An M.S. student must prepare a research/thesis proposal that should be typed in a double-spaced format and it should be approximately 5-10 pages in length. The research/thesis proposal should do the following:
Explain what the student intends to do
Explain the value of the research
Outline the research plan
Define specific criteria for the completion of the research/thesis
Include a timetable for the completion of the research/thesis
Include a bibliography relevant to the research/thesis
After the student’s faculty is satisfied with the student’s research/thesis proposal, the student may submit the proposal to the rest of the research committee. Any member of the committee may establish a requirement for the student to make an oral presentation of the proposal. The research committee evaluates the proposal in terms of:
The value of the research
The feasibility of the research/thesis plan, and
The student’s preparation for carrying out the proposed research
The committee will accept the proposal as written, accept it with changes, or reject it. When the committee accepts the proposal, each committee member must approve.
Defense Scheduling & Announcement Instructions
PhD Exams & Prospectus
Computer Science
Computer Science Comprehensive Exam Results Form
Review Adobe Sign form instructions
Complete Form (Adobe Sign)
Download PDF version as needed
Computer Science, Data Science, and Industrial Engineering Prospectus Results Form
Review Adobe Sign form instructions
Complete Form for 4 members (Adobe Sign)
Complete Form for 5 members (Adobe Sign)
Download PDF version as needed
Data Science, Analytics and Engineering
Comprehensive Exam Results Form
Review Adobe Sign instructions
Complete Form (Adobe Sign)
Download PDF version as needed
Prospectus Results Form
Review Adobe Sign instructions
Complete Form for 4 members (Adobe Sign)
Complete Form for 5 members (Adobe Sign)
Download PDF version as needed
Industrial Engineering
Comprehensive Exam Results Form
Review Adobe Sign instructions
Complete Form for 4 members (Adobe Sign)
Complete Form for 5 members (Adobe Sign)
Download PDF version as needed
Industrial Engineering Prospectus Results Form
Review Adobe Sign instructions
Complete Form for 4 members (Adobe Sign)
Complete Form for 5 members (Adobe Sign)
Download PDF version as needed
If you would like to request an email notice of your proposal or oral exam be sent to all SCAI graduate students and faculty members, please use this form to request the notice.
Transfer Credit Request
Complete and email to advising along with a copy of the course syllabus for every course you are requesting to transfer.
Class/Grade Concerns
Grade Grievance Appeal Policy
See Fulton Schools of Engineering Grade Grievance Appeal Policy. Please follow the steps for the Informal Process. You will be notified by the Dean’s representative in the Office of Academic and Student Affairs if your appeal can move to the Formal Process.
Incomplete Grade Request
See Incomplete Grade Request form (PDF) A mark of "I" (incomplete) is given by the instructor when you are otherwise doing acceptable work but are unable to complete the course because of illness or other conditions beyond your control. You are required to arrange with the instructor for the completion of the course requirements. The arrangement is recorded on the Request for Grade of Incomplete form. Do not re-register or pay fees to complete the course. The completion date is determined by the instructor but may not exceed one calendar year from the date the mark of “I” is recorded. When you complete the course, the instructor must submit an online grade change request. If you receive an "I" in an undergraduate course in the fall 1983 or thereafter, your grade will be automatically changed to a failing grade "E" if you do not complete the course within one calendar year. Marks of "I" are changed to a grade of "E" (0.00) for purposes of evaluating graduation requirements for undergraduate students. If you receive an "I" in a graduate course (500-level or above) your "I" grade will become a permanent part of your transcript if you do not complete the course within one year, and you will have to reregister and pay fees to repeat the course for credit.
The form must first be completed by the student and then the faculty. Refer to ASU Grading Policies for details.
Medical/Compassionate Withdrawal
See Fulton Schools of Engineering Medical/Compassionate withdrawal request. A medical/compassionate withdrawal request may be made in extraordinary cases in which serious illness or injury (medical) or another significant personal situation (compassionate) prevents a student from continuing his or her classes, and incompletes or other arrangements with the instructors are not possible.
IMPORTANT: International students need to consult with ISSC Advising before submitting a medical/compassionate withdrawal request.
Plan/Degree Changes
If you are interested in making any changes to your degree, it is strongly recommended to first meet with an academic advisor and review your program's handbook.
Change of Culminating Event (Thesis/Non-Thesis)
To request to change from Thesis to Non-Thesis, you will need to complete the SCAI Degree Change Request form. Email notification and further instructions will be sent after the request has been reviewed. Please allow up to two weeks for review. Once approved, you may submit an updated iPOS listing the Non-Thesis option for your degree requirements, as well as the faculty program chair for your degree program (see iPOS help page). Note: 599/799 credits cannot be listed on the non-thesis iPOS and 590/790 credits cannot be listed on the non-thesis iPOS for Computer Science, MS/MCS programs.
To request to change from Non-Thesis to Thesis, you will need to submit an updated iPOS listing the Thesis option for your degree requirements as well as your supervising faculty chair or co-chairs. Also, you must email advising with the verification of approval from your faculty advisor/s. Once approved, your iPOS will reset and you will need to complete a new "initial" iPOS for the updated track.
Change of Concentration
To request to add/remove or change your concentration within Computer Science you may submit via your MyASU homepage (My Programs -> Degree Information -> "Request a Change"). Requests are subject to approval and are encouraged to submit before you begin your 2nd semester. Note, only grades of 'B' or better can be carried into the new plan.
If you would like to change your concentration within Computer Engineering, Data Science Analytics & Engineering, or Robotics & Autonomous Systems a new admissions application will be required as the other concentrations are outside of SCAI. Transfer credits are subject to the 12 credit limit (per ASU Graduate College policy). It is recommended to seek advising from the school who oversees the new concentration to determine how credits may transfer, if applicable.
Change of Campus (Campus/ASU Online)
Industrial Engineering and Computer Science Master's programs are offered via ASU Online campus and the Tempe campus. To request to change your campus from Tempe to Online, you may submit a request via your MyASU homepage (My Programs -> Degree Information -> "Request a Change") subject to approval. Online students requesting to move to Tempe are required to submit a new admissions application (including GRE scores for Computer Science) and are subject to Tempe admissions criteria.
Note: Tuition rates, course availability, and other factors will vary by campus.
Change of Degree
To switch to a new degree program, within or out of SCAI, a new admissions application is required and admissions is not guaranteed. If you wish to transfer to a degree program that is outside of SCAI, it is recommended to seek advising from the school who oversees the new program to determine how credits may transfer, if applicable.
To request to change from PhD to Masters within the same SCAI degree program, you will need to complete the SCAI Degree Change Request form. Email notification and further instructions will be sent after the request has been reviewed. Please allow a minimum of up to two weeks for review.
To request to change from Masters to PhD you need to complete a new admissions application.
Change of Degree Level (MS to PhD/PhD to MS)
If you would like to change from a Master’s to a PhD within SCAI, you will need to submit a new admissions application, subject to approval. If you would like to change from a PhD to a Master's in the same degree program, you can submit a Degree Change Request form. Email notification and further instructions will be sent after the request has been reviewed. Please allow up to two weeks for review.
Up to12 credit hours may be eligible to transfer into a new degree program. Transfer (pre-admission) courses must have been taken within the last three years with a grade of “B” or better and not used toward a previous degree. To petition to transfer in more than the eligible number of credit hours, use the appropriate form: Master or PhD.
Voluntary Withdrawal from ASU
See ASU Voluntary Withdrawal Form