Why is Sun Protection Important?


The main preventable risk factor for skin cancer is exposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun or indoor tanning devices. The sun produces UV rays, which are invisible rays that can cause sunburn and other skin damage that can lead to skin cancer. There are two types of UV rays that can cause skin damage:

UVA rays penetrate deeper into the skin than do UVB rays, and cause skin damage that can lead to skin cancer. UVB rays affect the outermost layer of our skin and are most responsible for sunburn. It is important to protect skin from UV rays. 

Sun protection is important year-round, even on cloudy or cold days. UV rays can pass through the clouds to reach your skin. You can also get a sunburn in the winter. Sunburn during childhood is a major risk factor for melanoma. It is important for children to develop sun protection habits to reduce their lifetime risk of skin cancer.

To learn more about the Ray and The Sunbeatables® A Sun Safety Curriculum visit here!

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