"Are You Sun Safe?" Song and Discussion

Activity 1.2

"Are You Sun Safe?" Song Lyrics

(To the melody: “Are You Sleeping?”)

Are you sun safe? Are you sun safe?
Yes I am. Yes I am.
I am wearing sunscreen. I am wearing sunscreen.
Yay for me! Yay for me!

(Pretend to rub on sunscreen)

Are you sun safe? Are you sun safe?
Yes I am. Yes I am.
I am wearing my hat. I am wearing my hat.
Yay for me! Yay for me!
(Pretend to put on hat)

Are you sun safe? Are you sun safe?
Yes I am. Yes I am.
I have sun safe clothing. I have sun safe clothing.
Yay for me! Yay for me!
(Pretend to put on sun safe clothing)

Are you sun safe? Are you sun safe?
Yes I am. Yes I am.
I am wearing my shades. I am wearing my shades.
Yay for me! Yay for me!
(Pretend to put on sunglasses)

Are you sun safe? Are you sun safe?
Yes I am. Yes I am.
I will play in the shade. I will play in the shade.
Yay for me! Yay for me!
(Hold arms over head to make shade)


Responses may include: “every day” or “anytime we go outside.”

To learn more about the Ray and The Sunbeatables® A Sun Safety Curriculum visit here!

To gain access to the full curriculum including Activity 1.2 visit here!