ASIAA Thanks Canon Taiwan

(ASIAA What's New posted on 9th. May, 2022)

On April 12th., ASIAA Director Ue-Li Pen met Canon Taiwan representatives to present a certificate of appreciation for the company's great support in producing ten excellent copies of the M87 image. He was accompanied by the former ASIAA Director, Academician Paul Ho, a Board member of the EHT and the Principle Investigator of the ASIAA's GLT Project, Dr. Satoki Matsushita, a Board member of the EHT.

The copies produced by Canon have been given to President of the Republic of China Tsai Ing-wen (中華民國總統蔡英文 ), TECRO Representative Bi-khim Hsiao (駐美大使蕭美琴), TECO in Honolulu General Director Yong-Kwang Tseng (駐檀香山台北經濟文化辦事處處長曾永光), former President of Academia Sinica Yuan-Tseh Lee,(中研院前院長李遠哲), our collaborators: MoST (科技部 )and NCSIST (中科院), Chimei Museum (奇美博物館), Taipei Astronomical Museum (臺北市立天文館), National Science and Technology Museum (國立科學工藝博物館) and National Museum of Natural Science (國立自然科學博物館). Additionally, an extra size image of M87 black hole, also printed by Canon, is displaying on the wall outside of the office of President of Academia Sinica James Liao (中研院院長廖俊智).

Academician Paul Ho said in his letter to Canon Taiwan: "As Taiwan has played a major role in obtaining this incredible scientific result through the Event Horizon Telescope collaboration, we are very glad that the final image can be produced in Taiwan by our own local company. We hope that via this image, we can communicate to the citizens of Taiwan, the excitement of working at the frontiers of science, and making major fundamental scientific discoveries. Our scientists and engineers in the Academia Sinica, in the universities, and in the industries, are happy to be partners in these adventures, and we are very grateful to be able to also collaborate with Canon."

The Canon Taiwan Marketing Manager Dennis Wang and

ASIAA Director Ue-Li Pen.

Canon: Allen Lee, Lisa Hung, Dennis Wang; ASIAA: Director Ue-Li Pen, Academician Paul Ho and Dr. Satoki Matsushita, in front of our 11F elevator hall, where an M87 black hole picture printed by Canon is displayed.

Related Information: Canon Taiwan News Center

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Webpage Editor: Lauren Huang