Memory Museum 2.0

On 7th and 8th February, the History Society organised its annual flagship event — The Memory Museum. The concept came into being after conversations about what really constitutes history, and why it shouldn't be restricted to what makes it to textbooks. The core belief of the Memory Museum is that having lead and lived a life, a person creates memories, and it is these memories that constitute history. The Museum focused on telling the stories that are often lost in the larger picture, our personal memories.

The Inaugural talk as presented by Professor Ananya Sharma of the International Relationships, Professor Alexander Phillips of the English Department and Professor Sanjukta Datta.

It was covered in the newsletter of Ashoka University, The Edict. You can read it here.

By Surabhi Sanghi, Undergraduate Class of 2020

Picture Courtesy: Rutvi Zamre, Undergraduate Class of 2019