History Seminars

A semester-wise overview:

The History Department currently has three active seminar series

  • The Wednesday Seminars

These seminars take place fortnightly and focus on diverse historical topics, bringing together speakers from all aspects of history and beyond.

  • From the Margin Series

With this series, we intend to showcase the latest work of eminent historians and social scientists on various communities from the margins of human society - people who have been historically marginalised on the basis of their race, gender, caste, class, politics, and so on. Much of this important ongoing research continues to operate from the margins of the world of academic scholarship. Although extremely valuable both in terms of knowledge production and implication for our present societies, they often occupy only marginal status in terms of public visibility, space given in curriculum, and research funding across the world. By offering the institutional space of our university, our humble effort is to contribute to the ongoing global struggles to shift these issues from the margins of academic discourse and social consciousness to the mainstream.

  • Reading Images: Sites, Objects, Media Series

(A collaboration with the Visual Arts Department)

This series focuses on the intersection of the visual image with it's historical context, bringing together discourses about images and objects into their historical realm.

Image Courtesy: Maitreyi Mittal, Undergraduate Batch of 2020