Memory Museum

The Memory Museum is History Society's pop-up museum, which displays artefacts, songs, photographs, videos and much more associated to the personal history of it's donors. The museum is entire set-up by the contributions from the Ashokan Community.

The purpose of the Memory Museum is to celebrate personal histories, and to demonstrate the scope of history beyond the textbook and the link between memory and history - for instance, what does memorialisation do to memory? Does it historicise it? Is it possible to access the past outside of the discourse of history? The idea was to show everyone is a participant in history, and not only an observer; the academician does not own the past.

As an endeavor in rediscovering stories of our own past, the donors are encouraged to contribute anything which might hold meaning for them, from newspaper cuttings to walking sticks - nothing is considered too mundane or peculiar, as long as you have memories associated with it.

Memory Museum 1.0

Memory Museum 2.0