Lunch Orders

School Lunches

Ashhurst School outsources all of its brought lunches to other outside business within the village. Brought lunches can be purchased from the table outside of Miss Giles office. Orders are placed in an envelope with the money sealed inside and the order written on the outside, along with child's name and shop name. Bought Lunches are available Monday, Wednesday and Friday only for the dairy and Wednesday and Friday for the Empty Nest. Lunch orders must be placed at the office no later than 9:00am on these days.

Throughout the year on a Thursday (you will be notified by newsletter), the school PTA will often provide a sausage sizzle or hotdogs for lunch. A great idea is to buy a terms worth for your child and you can use the school eftpos machine to pay for it. This money is collected and children's names are recored by the classroom teacher.

Ashhurst Dairy - Assorted Foods (Monday, Wednesday, Friday Only)