Take a Tour

2016-2017 students developed a quest that leads you through chosen spots in the park.

Meet our class, beyond the snowy field of grass,

Near the fence,

go through the park entrance,

where the trees are dense,

Follow the gravel, get ready to travel,

I have many rules, for those who don’t come to play,

I stand here to show people the way,

I hope to stay in this condition,

After that past torn situation,

In the re-creation, planning for tomorrow,

Those nice people took away my sorrow.

From the sign,

Walk a straight a line,

Where your adventure awaits,

Head RIGHT, down to the lake.

Take a chance to get a glance,

The binoculars you receive will enhance,

In the sky, do you see?,

The water fowl that fly by me.

Wood frogs slumber all around,

While feet lumber on the frosty ground,

People with poles come here to fish,

Catching a big dinner wish.

Jump over the South rail,

Follow the footprints Southward onto a lesser known trail,

After a while, enter the forest facing East,

There you will spot a birch loving moose feast.

Welcome to my beautiful birch grove,

Moose come here to eat our bark,

Can you find a hole or hidden cove?

Watch out for the bears who come out at dark!

Head Eastward onto a path that is paved,

Take a Left to where the 7 stones lay.

We were intriguing limestone rocks,

And I was embedded with a clock,

I have been here for a long time,

Then someone sprayed that skin of mine.

Pass the birch grove that is very near,

That helps the animals to disappear,

Walk to the T,

And you will see,

The next clue,

That waits for thee.

From my top you can see the trees,

Why do people litter in me?,

In the winter I start to freeze,

But in the spring fishing is a breeze.

My pipes are filled with bottles and glass,

Periodically I am stepped on by the 6th grade class,

On my shore you can see the geese waddle,

My view is so beautiful you might want to dawdle.


Walk between two rocks, to where you can park a boat.

Take a moment and embrace,

The beautiful sights of the South End Lake,

The eagles fly over me from day to day,

All year round, June through May.

But sadly I have my concerns too.

The invasive pike are making me blue.

Eating salmon and trout is what they do.

If overfishing wasn’t bad enough,

Pike are here too!

Please help me out with my concerns,

The mean old fish aren’t what I deserve.

If you’d like to use my water,

to go swimming or on a boat,

make sure you read the information

that’ll help keep you safe and afloat.

I used to be helpful and keep kids floating,

Until vandals came and gave me a coating,

They tore me up and ripped me apart,

Luckily some kids came along with great big heart.

Try to find my terrible new art.

Take a look to the North, do you see?,

a cozy wooden home made just for me,

Listen closely, can you hear me,

Singing my name, chicka-dee-dee,

Follow me up to my big birch tree.

I’m posted at the proper height,

Waiting for a feathered friend,

I provide shelter day and night,

I know fall is at it’s end,

But summer will come again,

Nest boxes are scattered all around the park,

Providing protection from lurking creatures in the dark.

Follow the steep path on the Right,

Walk until you see the forest cover open up to the skylight!

This is where we roam,

When we want to learn the unknown,

You’re standing in the place we chose,

This is where our outdoor classroom clearly goes,

But we’re gonna need help from you and Lowes,

We have many questions to ask,

Before we finish this important task.