Second Grade

Closet Key.m4a

Closet Key (click the arrow on the side)

Rhythm Counting.mp4

Review Rhythm Counting

Most of you should be pretty good at this....but if you don't use lose it! Review the various rhythms with me, then join me in saying them. If you find it really easy....find or create a rhythm instrument and play along. Remember, continue to say the rhythms as you play them.

Everybody Has Music 2nd.pdf

Everybody has music inside

Everybody has music inside.m4a
Mister Rabbit 2nd.pdf

Mr. Rabbit

This is a Southern Folk Song. Remember, a folk song is a song from particular cultures that is passed down through generations. However, a song can be referred to as a folk song if it uses folk instruments. An American Folk Song might use...guitar, banjo, mandolin, fiddle, bass, and various percussion instruments.

Mister Rabbit.m4a

Mein Hut Music.pdf

4/9/20 Let's Sing! "Mein Hut" is a traditional German folk song. It is a song about a tricorn hat. Read about why people wore tricorn hats at the top of the music page. The first time they sing is in German. Click the first arrow below and repeat after me to learn the German pronunciation. Click the second audio clip to listen to the song and sing.

Mein Hut Pronunciation.m4a
Mein Hut Audio.m4a

4/8/20 Let's Sing! Here is a song some of us sang right before spring break. If you didn't sing it with us, you can follow along in the music as you listen. "Let's Go Fly a Kite" is from the musical Mary Poppins. Remember to look at the time signature. There are 2 verses so repeat to the beginning of the song and sing the second verse. Click play on the audio below and click on square in the upper right of the music to make it bigger. ENJOY!

Let's Go Fly a Kite Song.m4a
Let's Go Fly a Kite.jpg

Now, you are ready for the game! Click on Instrument Crane. As the crane pulls out the various instruments click on the family the instrument belongs in....the crane will drop it in the box. ENJOY!

Let's see how much you know about instruments! Test yourself on each of the instrument families. How did you do?

Move to the beat! Listen to "Dinosaur Stomp" and make sure you are moving to the beat. ENJOY!

Dinosaur Stomp - Dinosaur Dance Songs for Kids - The Kiboomers.mp4