Fifth Grade

In The Hall of the Mountain King

Try to follow the instructor in the video below:

Sansa Kroma (click the arrow below)

Sansa Kroma.m4a

Loch Lomond

In Scotland, the "lakes" are called "lochs".  Many of you have heard of the "Loch Ness Monster"...the Scots refer to the "Monster" as "Nessie".  Of course, it is a legend based on a grainy photograph resembling a brontosaurus with it's head sticking out of the water of Loch Ness.  Loch Lomond is the largest surface area lake dividing Scotland's Central region and the Highlands.

My father was from Scotland and taught me this song when I was very young.  When he died I flew to Scotland, met my relatives for the first time and scattered his ashes in Loch Lomond among the swans that were swimming in that part of the lake.

Loch Lommond.pdf
Loch Lommond.m4a

The Pony Express

The Pony Express operated for about 18 months from 1860-61.  It was the fastest delivery system between the Eastern and Western United States.  It was VERY expensive to send anything via Pony Express and very few common people had the means to do this. Ride Like the Wind tells the story of a Pony Express rider.  

Click to the left  and find out more about the Pony Express.

After you read, click on the audio and music to learn and sing the song.

Pay special attention to the note at the top of the music about minor keys. Songs in minor keys may reflect sadness, intensity, fear, anxiety, brooding and more emotions that are not necessarily positive.

Ride Like the Wind.pdf

Ride Like the Wind

Ride Like the Wind Audio.m4a

Follow the Drinking Gourd was used as an example of how early spirituals influenced jazz.  Read the paragraph at the top of the first page as it explains how the "secret codes" in the song guided people as they made their way along the underground railroad.

Below is a link to the History website that gives more information on the underground railroad.

Follow the Drinking Gourd .pdf
Follow the Drinking Gourd Audio.m4a

Follow the drinking gourd

Joshua Fit the Battle of Jericho is a ballad that is called an African American Spiritual because it is a song from the African American culture that tells a Bible story (Religion is associated with Spirituality).  It is the story of Joshua who was told by God to have his troops march around the city of Jericho once for 6 days.  On the seventh day the priests were to blow on their horns and according to the story, "the walls came atumblin' down".

Listen to the song first by clicking on the audio arrow and enlarging the music.  Then repeat and sing along!

Joshua Fit the Battle Music.pdf
Joshua Fit the Battle Audio.m4a

April is jazz appreciation month!

Why do I throw this random proclamation in here?  

"Believe it or not, Jazz was started by black Spirituals sung on plantations by slaves. The songs sung at the slave's secret church meetings had certain rhythms (syncopation) and different notes (called blue's notes) that made them different from traditional music. The songs were also used to pass along secret messages that only the slaves knew the meaning of. "Follow the Drinking Gourd" meant follow the North star tonight to escape to the north and become free. As the spirituals began to evolve little by little, different elements were added that soon became jazz in the form of what it is today."- Wiki

Click on the following presentation to learn more about Jazz.

Music That Moves Me Presentation

Songs that tell stories are called Ballads.  Here is a ballad you have probably heard before.  It's from the Disney Musical "Beauty and the Beast".  Read about Alan Menken and Howard Ashman.  Menken is the composer. (the person who creates the music)  Ashman is the lyricist. (the person who creates the poetry)

Follow along as you listen to the music.  What is the time signature?  Repeat at the end of the first ending. (end of the 2nd line on second page; notice the repeat signs). Remember to jump to the second ending at the bottom of the second page.

The first audio has someone singing the song.  Learn the song and use the second audio to sing on your own (like Karaoke)

Beauty and the Beast w Vocals.m4a
Beauty and the Beast Music.pdf
Beauty and the Beast w:o Vocals.m4a

This activity is also listed in 3rd grade music. However, if you have a ukulele at home...not only can you sing this can play along while you sing!  Remember, gentlemen....if your voice hasn't changed yet, you are still singing in my register :)

The Iditarod Trail Song is a song by an Alaskan folk artist by the name of Hobo Jim.  He wrote this song in 1989 and you may hear it during various events or programs covering the Iditarod today.  Hobo Jim continues to give performances throughout Alaska.

Click on my lovely picture that I can't seem to change to a more appeasing still so I can describe the musical map. 

If you are playing this on your may wish to continue to use the G7 chord for the G chord.....If you are up for the challenge, use G!  Have fun!!

Iditarod Trail Song.pdf
Iditarod Trail Musical Map.mp4

Click the link below to hear and sing the Iditarod Trail Song

Iditarod Trail Song.m4a

Listen to the Iditarod Trail Song sung by Hobo Jim.  This video displays some highlights from Iditarods past and shows famous mushers.  

Iditarod Trail Song by Alaskas Hobo Jim.mp4

Well, we are going to begin Instruments of the orchestra.  Next year, you will have the opportunity to take an instrument from each of the various families.  1.  Strings. 2. Brass 3.  Woodwind. 4.  Percussion

String Instruments are played using strings

Brass Instruments used to be...and most still are....made from brass

Woodwinds used to be made of wood (all except the saxophone that was never made from was invented after the families had been established.  It was gold and shiny like a brass instrument, but it sounded more like a woodwind)

Percussion instruments are played by at least one of these ways....1.  Strike. 2.  Shake. 3.  Scrape

Now, you are ready for the game!  Click on Instrument Crane.  As the crane pulls out the various instruments click on the family the instrument belongs in....the crane will drop it in the box.  ENJOY!

Here is a fun video.  "Toot, Whistle, Plunk and Boom"  is a Disney short that highlights "Brass, Woodwinds, Strings and Percussion" instruments.  I think you will enjoy this silly video as it gives some valid information about instruments in a very entertaining way.

Let's get up and move!!  Here is a fun dance where you can feel the beat and move to the beat! ENJOY!

Trolls- Can-t Stop The Feeling - GoNoodle.mp4