Parent Page Skiing
Parents Please fill out this form for contact information. This is for parents coordinating help at races, banquets, parties, car pooling or any other team needs. While not required, I highly encourage all parents to fill out the above form so other parents can communicate with you to help your child's team. Later on parents will coordinate a signup genius to help team at races, host parties, and for anything else parents can do to support the kids. I will put the link on this website and send it in the remind.
Our parent coordinator is Nicole Kimball. Please reach out to her at Parents, please help her out when we need people or materials. Parent Sign Up Genius Link here to help with Service Snowball!
Upcoming meetings: 9 January (before our host race) and before regions date TBD (post party and awards planning!), and with the team going to State at Kincaid.
Ways parents can help:
1) transporting kids to/from practices; making sure they have appropriate clothing for the weather
2) checking this website, joining our remind, filling out contact link above, and helping when the team needs it, especially on race days
3) donating old or used racing equipment, especially NNN boots or skis with those bindings. If your growing child just outgrew their middle school equipment, it may fit one of our smaller skiers perfectly.
4) donating money to booster club. We purchase equipment for kids who don't have their own, uniforms, wax, tools, trophies, food and supplies for food at races, coaches jackets, supplies for team events, and more. In a sport this complex and a group this large expenses happen.
5) helping the booster club by being a treasurer or volunteer coordinator
6) race day help is organized by our booster club using, a link will be sent to all parents who share their contact info in the link above. It will ask for parents to help set up and take down the tent at races, bring food and water to the races, and organize team social events after some races.
7) Bring snacks (not too sweet) to practice for kids to eat after a long workout. Granola/protein bars, or the like work great. Kids devour snacks after skiing!